What is the Easiest Process of Creating an Account on the Youku Website?

Victor Koo (Gu Yongqiang), a former president of the Chinese Internet portal Sohu, launched Youku. The site’s initial funding came from 1Verge, a fund he raised. In June 2003, a limited-access beta version of the website went live, and in December 2003, a full launch took place.

You agree to abide by the terms of this User Service Agreement (which is subsequently referred to as “this Agreement”) and use the Platform’s services. It is important that you carefully read the Agreement before selecting “I agree” to move forward with the sign-up procedure.

Particular focus should be paid to the clauses regarding limitation or exclusion of liability that are bolded and italicized. By visiting https://www.youku.tv/v/v_show/id_XNjAwMDg0NjgwMA==.html, this link you can get the details about Youku and its account creation.

Creating an Account and Using It

You are also deemed to have reached an agreement with the Platform/website to become a “user” of Youku.com or the Platform. As you read this Agreement, if you find any sections that you do not agree with, you must stop the sign-up process right away.

User Eligibility

The safety of children is a matter that is very important to us. You must be at least 18 years old to utilize their services. Varied nations and areas may have varied definitions of what constitutes a minor. Therefore, if you have reached the age of 18 but are still a minor according to local regulations, you must still read this Agreement under the advice of your legal guardian and use our services only after receiving the explicit consent of your legal guardian.

Account Summary

Here are certain key points of the account description;

Account Acquisition

You can use a third-party account (such as Facebook, Google, or Apple account) to log in using the approved login method.

Use of Account

You accept and agree that you shall comply with the following guidelines when using your Youku account in order to enable the smooth use of their services:

  1. When creating a Youku account, you must supply us with all necessary registration information that is genuine, correct, and up to date.
  2. You only have a restricted license to use your Youku account, and only private, non-commercial users may access it;
  3. Your Youku account and password must be properly stored, used, and maintained. You must not provide them to anyone else or allow unauthorized access to them in any other way.

Account Restriction

Without incurring any liability, we reserve the right to revoke or cancel your account, suspend or permanently terminate your use of it, and stop or stop offering you services if:

  • You willingly submit such an application;
  • You disobey this Agreement’s provisions;
  • Laws, rules, and regulatory guidelines demand;
  • 60 consecutive days have passed without any activity on your account;
  • They have grounds to suspect that the legitimate rights and interests of Youku and/or others have been violated (or may have been violated) as a result of your usage behavior.

Cancellation of Account

Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations or as otherwise stipulated in this Agreement, they give you the option to deactivate your Youku account. To do so, send an email to [email protected]. They respectfully remind you that following the successful cancellation of your account:

  • You won’t be able to use your Youku account anymore.
  • You are not permitted to ask us to help you find any content, information, data, or record under your account unless otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations and/or regulatory authorities.
  • Your account cannot be reinstated after it has been canceled.

Sum Up

You must adhere to this Agreement, as well as any applicable laws and regulations, in order to access and utilize Youku Services. Youku Services may only be employed for personal, non-commercial purposes; any other usage requires written authorization from Youku. You also acknowledge that you will not participate in any of the following actions (nor encourage or assist others to engage in them) or use Youku Services to do so.